
•March 7, 2011 • Leave a Comment

life goes by with out a word…

and i keep dreaming the odd

nobody & somebody

•November 15, 2010 • Leave a Comment

The nobody on your right is somebody’s everybody


•November 15, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Love is when you say,” i love you” and you make the person feel that it is ONLY THAT PERSON YOU LOVE.

past life analysis

•September 1, 2010 • 1 Comment

Let my past be forgotten

I can’t do much about it; it’s rotten

Sing in my ear like I am a new born

Kiss my cheeks like it’s never been worn

I have left nothing behind in my head

Let my past not shape in you to be lead

Let us hold hands and run to the future

And we can knit dreams to nurture

Time is racing with us every day

And you and I know that we have a say

I have left nothing behind in my head

Let my past not shape in you to be lead

There is world out there to be discovered

But our thoughts are tied and covered

Our days have so much to promise

And nights have too much to miss

I have left nothing behind in my head

Let my past not shape in you to be lead

Let us hold hands and run to the future


•January 19, 2010 • 1 Comment

Pain slowly crept through her bones
Watery eyes, a mind harvested of thoughts

Nothing was visible beyond: vague
A desire to escape
But her mind is well rooted in pain
And she stood there in vengeance to the world

I did whisper to her,” pain is addictive”
Run, run to the mountains
Where breeze has fragrance of spice
Valley is full of yellow flowers


•December 17, 2009 • 1 Comment

I’m here and my mind, out there

I am wanted and I’m ignored

I feel like crying and I’m smiling

Its winter and its raining

Thoughts going backwards

Rejection not affecting

Smiles look so put up

Tears making no sense

Grey looks pleasant

Loneliness makes me confident

Running away doesn’t makes me feel like a loser

My silence makes me stronger

Sun is setting right before my eyes

I’m walking into the last ray of light

And into darkness, darker than black

Black is a soothing color for a change


•December 12, 2009 • Leave a Comment

i lost my skin

and a new skin spreading across my flesh

i am new, ’cause everything is skin deep

my eyes sees differently

my touch gives a different sense

my perceptions changed

my beliefs a stranger

life looks like the silence after a cry

but the longing never died in me


•December 7, 2009 • 1 Comment

only a thick creamy coffee to keep me warm

a thin space growing like mad between me and life

void has red eyes and staring at me

loneliness started breathing

eyes searching for the face

and the fragrance left behind adding fuel to the search fire


•November 30, 2009 • 1 Comment

a new height of happiness

days looking bright

nights being beds for dreams to sprout

longings are without pain

hopes are stronger than reality

life is in its best hue

a new height of happiness

•November 30, 2009 • Leave a Comment

We are silly dreamers chasing the religion, ‘cliche’.